Homework and Make-up Work
Homework is an integral part of the educational process. The purpose of homework is to help students become self-directing, independent learners. Homework assignments shall support clearly defined school and classroom objectives and shall be used to reinforce and enhance school experiences. Although time may be allotted during the school day to begin an assignment, homework assignments are generally to be completed at home, and brought into school on the following school day. Some assignments may span a longer range of time, and should be returned by the given due date. Students are expected to know when homework is due. Homework is a component of the grading process and is scored on a rubric.
The immediate purpose of a specific homework assignment may be to:
The immediate purpose of a specific homework assignment may be to:
- Strengthen basic skills.
- Extend classroom learning.
- Stimulate further interests.
- Reinforce independent study skills.
- Develop initiative and self-direction.
- Acquaint parents/guardians with the work students do in school.
Students absent for any reason must make-up assignments, class work, and tests within a reasonable length of time. Our school district seriously discourages vacations when school is in session because absences can disrupt the continuity of programs and may impact a child's progress. Homework will not be provided in advance of vacation.
Throughout the year, parents are urged to:
Throughout the year, parents are urged to:
- Monitor their child's homework assignments;
- Consult teacher websites to keep informed about assignments.
- MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENTS are encouraged to regularly check the parent portal to monitor their child's progress.
Additional information can be accessed through the following link: Board of Education Policy #2330, Homework.