Pupil Supervision After School Dismissal – Walkers and Bike Riders
The School District provides bus transportation to all students. Safety conditions, which include continuous sidewalks, permit some schools to have walkers and bike riders. Parents of students who attend one of these schools, and who elect to have their child walk or bike to school, should review Pupil Supervision After School Dismissal Board of Education Policy #8601, and complete the required form, available through the following link: Pupil Supervision After School Dismissal Form.
Walkers and bikers must follow these safety rules:
- Walkers and bike riders must turn in the completed "Pupil Supervision After School Dismissal Form," prior to walking or biking to/from school.
- If a Crossing Guard is present, walkers and bike riders MUST cross the street at the direction of the Crossing Guard.
- Use proper bicycle safety habits when riding to and from school.
- New Jersey State law states that all children under the age of seventeen (17) must wear helmets while riding bikes.
PLEASE NOTE: The school is not responsible for lost or damaged bicycles.