Playground Rules and Procedures, K-5
Playground equipment is made available at each school. Playground time is a privilege and the rules have been designed for the safety of everyone. Please be fair to your classmates and friends and share the equipment to allow a fun time for all. To ensure safety, students are required to:
- Stay in the designated play area at all times. DO NOT go into the woods, road, parking lot, or school building unless directed to do so by the teacher on duty.
- Play appropriately and keep your hands to yourself.
- Choose appropriate games that do not involve rough play. KEEP-AWAY games, TAG, and TACKLE FOOTBALL are not permitted.
- Use kind words and show good sportsmanship.
- Stay away from strangers or animals in the play area. If you see someone you don't know or if you see an animal on the playground, NOTIFY A TEACHER IMMEDIATELY.
- Use athletic equipment as intended. (Examples: Do not play on or near soccer goals and do not climb on basketball nets.)
- Only go onto the playground if an adult is with you. If you left something on the playground, speak to an adult for help.
- Adhere to playground rules that ensure safety for specific equipment.