

Certified School Nurses are employed in all school buildings.  District nurses follow policies approved by the Board of Education and work under a set of Standing Orders authorized by the school physician.

School Nurses

Adelphia School: Kaitlyn Galvin

Contact by Email

(732) 919-1553

Aldrich School: Joanne Ryder

Contact by Email

(732) 751-2483

Ardena School: Catherine Trentacoste

Contact by Email

(732) 751-2485

Greenville School: Jessica Mauer

Contact by Email

(732) 202-1745

Griebling School: Pam Spadola

Contact by Email

(732) 751-2487

Land O’Pines School: Lynne Donahue-Head Nurse

Contact by Email

(732) 751-2489

Memorial School: Loriann Grimes Contact by Email                                     (732) 919-1085

Newbury School: Michelle Lynn

Contact by Email

(732) 751-2491

Ramtown School: Melissa Trainor

Contact by Email

(732) 751-2493

Taunton School: Sirena Opaleski

Contact by Email

(732) 751-2489

Middle School North: Dawn Mirabal

Contact by Email


Middle School South: Jaclyn Lussier 

Contact by Email

(732) 836-1327


Current News and Announcements:
Heath Requirements/Forms:
Physician's Release Forms for Preschool Registration
Physician's Release Forms for Kindergarten Registration
Current Health Topics
Resources and Links

The Centers for Disease Control – CDC –

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) serves as the national focus for developing and applying disease prevention and control, environmental health, and health promotion and health education activities designed to improve the health of the people of the United States.


Monmouth County Health Department –

The Monmouth County Health Department (MCHD) is focused on identifying critical needs for residents and providing guidance on vital life services. The Department also provides information on programs available to residents that will help address every day issues leading to healthier and more environmentally aware communities.