District Departments » Speech and Language Services » Speech Guidelines

Speech Guidelines

Identification Process:

If a child is suspected of having a possible articulation, fluency, or voice disorder by a classroom teacher, school personnel or the parent, a written request must be submitted for a speech evaluation to the Speech-Language Specialist. The child who is suspected of having a possible language disorder is usually brought to the attention of the SLS at an I&RS meeting. At least one member of the child study team is involved with the SLS in evaluating a child with a potential language disorder.

Important Timelines

Referral process: After written consent is obtained, a meeting will be held within 20 calendar days.

Completion of initial speech and language process:
This entire process will be completed within 90 days from consent to evaluate to eligibility meeting.

Referral Overview
What is a referral?

Written request for initial evaluation submitted to the child study team or Speech-Language Specialist.
Who can refer?

Referrals may be submitted by school personnel, parent or agencies concerned with the welfare of the students.

Speech and Language Services Overview

If a child is referred for an initial evaluation based upon a suspected disability in speech performance or use of language, the following procedure will take place. If an evaluation is warranted, the Speech-Language Specialist would be responsible for: obtaining parental consent; meeting with the parent and the regular education teacher; obtaining a written statement from the regular education teacher regarding the impact of the disability on the child’s educational performance; performing an evaluation; and preparing a written report of the evaluation. N.J.A.C. 6A: 14-3.4(e)

After the speech and language evaluation is performed, a meeting will be held to determine whether the child is eligible for speech-language services. N.J.A.C. 6A:14-3.6(c). This eligibility meeting would include the parent, a teacher, and the Speech-Language Specialist. N.J.A.C 6A:14-2.3 (i) (1). At an eligibility meeting, the results of the evaluation would be compared to the specific criteria for speech disorders and/or communication impairment to determine whether the student is eligible for speech-language services. This criteria can be found in the state regulations at N.J.A.C. 6A:14-3.6(b).

If the child’s disability meets eligibility criteria for a speech disorder, (i.e. a problem with articulation, voice or fluency), the outcome would be a classification of "eligible for speech and language services". Similarly, if the child’s disability meets the criteria for a communication impairment (i.e. a problem with morphology, syntax, semantics and or pragmatics), the student would be deemed "eligible for speech and language services". However, in a case of communication impairment where the student is found to need instruction and/or services from someone other than a Speech-Language Specialist, he/she would be classified "eligible for special education and related services". In that case, the speech and language services would be considered a “related service” N.J.A.C. 6A: 14-3.5(c)(4)(i).